Saturday, January 24

Going Home Slowly

Seems like we are going to be here in Missoula for another day. Our plane broke down at the gate and we will not be heading east until tomorrow. The sun has come out and we are getting a few snow flurries and looking forward to a quiet afternoon.

Visiting the Missoula Keogh's

Gramma and Grampa Keogh are heading home from Missoula today after 9 glorious days playing with our first grandchild. I am still having a problem considering myself a grandfather. When I hear those words, I think they refer to someone else, like my grandparents, certainly not me. But we have arrived and as most of our friends already know it is so nice having a grandchild. Cecelia is now a month old and very easy going. She is smiling and cooing and loves her jiggle chair. She really only has one fussy period a day and is then easily calmed with rocking. Sean & Nicole are extremely lucky. Last night she went out to dinner with us and slept through alher admirers and dinner!

The days here in the valley that Missoulians call home have been cloudy and foggy. It is only when we head out of town to the mountains that we see the sun. We have been snowshoeing , hiking, walking Cecelia in the local park and having a great time. I have some more pictures to post on the web album, which I will do tomorrow from home. We are all packed and Sean is driving us to Missoula International.Thanks for all your support and good wishes.

Monday, January 19

Cecelia Methot Keogh

I am sure that everyone has heard the good news but in case you haven't Cecelia Methot Keogh was born on Dec 26, 2008 at 12:51 am, 20 inches long, 6 lbs 11oz and mother and child are doing well. Nicole's parents, Sandy & Norm, were out here in Missoula for Cecelia's birth and Ellen and I arrived last Thursday for a week. She is absolutely beautiful and very mellow except from around 7 to 9 pm. What more can you ask!! We will be posting pictures on our web album which is accessible from the right side of the blog filed under Other Stuff. Grandma & Grandpa took Cecelia for a walk yesterday afternoon and today we are going snowshoeing. We will keep you up to date with more pictures.