Wednesday, January 24


August 5Th 2006, will go down in the Keogh/Methot family trees as a day to long remember and cherish. Pictures are worth a thousand words, but what I remember most about Sean & Nicole's wedding and the days leading up to it and away from it, were all the smiles on all our faces. As the parents of the groom we couldn't have been happier. Norm & Sandy, as parents of the bride, were beaming from ear to ear. Sean & Nicole did such a fantastic job bringing everyone together to celebrate their wedding, families, old friends,(maybe I should say long time friends ), new friends, young & older. I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves. The photos can be accessed from my link section. If you have any photos you would like to share, e-mail me and I can upload them to the album. Eventually there will be a separate post on the rehearsal dinner and the horseshoe tournment.

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